CEDIMEX (hereinafter “CEDIMEX”), with address at: BOULEVARD VALSEQUILLO No. 725 INT 3, Puebla, Mexico; in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the Law) and its Regulations, inform you that:

CEDIMEX protects and safeguards your personal data to prevent damage, loss, destruction, theft, misplacement, alteration, as well as unauthorized processing thereof.

This Privacy Notice aims to inform visitors to the internet portal, past or current clients of the company, job candidates, employees, former employees, contractors and suppliers (hereinafter “Users”), what personal data they share with us, why we use them, with whom we share them, as well as the procedure that has been implemented for Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition to the processing of your Personal Data, or to revoke the consent that you have previously given us.

For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data?

The obtaining, use, disclosure or storage, as well as the access, handling, use, transfer or disposal (hereinafter the “Processing”) that we carry out of the personal data of the Users, has specific purposes, depending on each case. , the following:

  • Contact and reference.
  • Comply with applicable legislation.
  • Comply with the contractual obligations contracted with our clients and suppliers such as: account registration in the database of CEDIMEX, telephone answering services, processing payments and purchase orders, delivery of products, provision of services, generation of tax receipts, notifications related to our products and the provision of our services.
  • Comply with the contractual obligations contracted with our employees and contractors such as: account registration in the database of CEDIMEX, payroll payment or payment of fees, internal personnel control, emergency response, and other analogues.
  • Sending promotions, advertising materials, satisfaction surveys, newsletters, communications, invitations to events and to respond to requests for information.
  • Administration and internal audits, to evaluate, develop and improve the quality of our products and services, generate statistical information in relation to the client portfolio and carry out internal studies on consumer habits and demographic aspects.

In the collection and processing of personal data, we comply with all the principles stipulated in the Law and its Regulations: legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

What personal data do we obtain and from where?

To carry out the aforementioned purposes, we may collect personal data from Users either by contacting us through our website; when completing forms or surveys; when registering as clients; by consulting business directories and other publicly accessible sources that provide contact information for potential clients, by sending Curriculum Vitae; by requesting tax receipts; among other analogues.

The personal data that we collect directly, depending on each case, may be any or all of the following:

Name, place and date of birth, nationality, address, telephone, email, occupation or profession, marital status, education, professional experience, bank account number to receive deposits, RFC, information necessary for the issuance of tax receipts; data related to your consumer activities in relation to our products and services; and other analogues.

Derived from relationship established with CEDIMEX, it is possible that as an employee, during the course of your time working in the company, the following information may be collected:

Data: name of family members and financial dependents, academic data, personal and professional references, health status, existence of previous accidents and/or illnesses at work and other work-related history.

Documents: copy of birth certificate, copy of birth certificate of wife or children, copy of voter ID, copy of proof of address, copy of study receipts or certificates, copy of passport, copy of Visa, and other analogues such as copies of proof of registration with the IMSS, INFONAVIT, CURP and RFC.

The personal data provided, including sensitive information such as health status and employment history, as well as financial information such as the RFC and bank account number to receive deposits, are confidential, and are not disseminated, distributed. nor do they market. 

Personal data that we collect indirectly. 

When Users visit your Portal, CEDIMEX may automatically obtain statistical information about the Users’ visit, including IP address, cookies and device type; However, said information does not individually identify the User and is only used by CEDIMEX with the objective of measuring and monitoring the number of people who visit your Portal.

Likewise, your personal data may be collected through business directories, commercial information services and other publicly accessible sources, with the sole purpose of offering you products and services that may be of interest to you.

Transfers of Personal Data collected

CEDIMEX may transfer your personal data to i) national or foreign third parties that are holding companies, subsidiaries and/or affiliates of CEDIMEX; ii) suppliers that provide services for its proper operation and promotion; iii) at the request of a competent authority or by means of a court order; and iv) for the fulfillment of the purposes indicated in this notice./span>

CEDIMEX will inform the aforementioned third parties of this privacy notice and the purposes to which the User subjected the Processing of their data, and they will adopt the necessary measures so that the people who have access to their personal data comply with this Privacy Notice.

Security and control measures we use to protect the Personal Data collected

CEDIMEX has adopted the security levels of protection of Personal Data legally required and seeks to implement those other means and additional technical measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided to CEDIMEX

The administrative, technical and physical security measures implemented by CEDIMEX to protect your personal data, they are the same ones that we require to be met by the service providers we hire. All the information and personal data that you provide us will constitute a database owned by CEDIMEX. Information is stored for protection purposes, to prevent loss, misuse or alteration.

How to exercise ARCO Rights and revoke the consent granted

The Law grants the owners of Personal Data the right to ACCESS, RECTIFY and CANCEL their personal information, as well as OPPOSE its use. These are known as ARCO Rights.

To carry out the exercise of any of the aforementioned rights, the User may submit the REQUEST FOR ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, CANCELLATION OR OPPOSITION OF PERSONAL DATA, by writing to the ULINE Personal Data Processing Department, through the email address contacto@eo-pc.com, or by postal mail sent to the address referred to in this privacy notice.

To facilitate the processing of your request, it must contain the following:

  • Name, address, telephone, email.
  • Be duly signed by the applicant.
  • Copy of your voter ID, passport, driver’s license, professional ID or any other document that proves your identity.
  • Address or means of receiving notifications.
  • A clear and precise description of the personal data on which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO rights, as well as a clear and precise description of your request.
    • In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, specify the modifications proposed to be made and provide the documentation that supports said request.

In order to receive a timely and satisfactory response to their requirements and needs, the User guarantees that the Personal Data provided to CEDIMEX are truthful, so you are responsible for communicating to CEDIMEX any modification therein.

From reception, CEDIMEX You will have a period of 5 business days to request the additional information necessary to process your request.

Once the above has been fulfilled, your request will be responded to within 20 business days; However, said period may be extended for an equal period of time, which will be notified to you by the means indicated for this purpose, indicating the reasons for said extension.

Likewise, we inform you that in terms of the Law and its regulations, the owner of the data may initiate the ARCO Rights Protection procedure, before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), within within 15 days following the date on which CEDIMEX respond to your request and it is not satisfactory, or, if after the indicated period, the request is not responded to.

Modifications to the Privacy Notice.

CEDIMEX reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time. The above, whether to address legislative or jurisprudential developments, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of our products and services and industry practices.

These modifications will be available through one or more of the following means: (i) direct delivery of the new notice; (ii) brochures or brochures available in our offices; (iii) on the Portal CEDIMEX; (iv) by sending them to the last email address that the User provided; and/or (v) by telephone to the last home, office or cell phone number that the User has provided.

Date of last update of this Privacy Notice:

July 1, 2024